Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Movie Review: Django Unchained

Oh Mr. Tarantino. How I enjoy your films.

I'm a big action movie fan. I love guns, car chases, shit blowing up, bad guys getting their comeuppance, and lots of blood splatter. My valentines day date included the premiere of the newest Die Hard movie. As suspected, it was TERRIBLE, but it still satiated me with everything I desire in that genre. Quentin Tarantino has a way of pushing a little harder and hitting every violent note I desire with a bloody hammer.

It's an interesting enough premise: A bounty killer acquires help from a slave to make his money killing wanted men in the south. It's bizarre and surprising how much of a natural Django is at shooting the second he wraps his hands around a pistol. He can even do the fancy holster stuff! I suppose that in the world of Tarantino, we just accept that a slave can read, speak eloquently and strongly, and shoot 10 men with ridiculous accuracy the second his shackles are off. Just like we have to assume that any pawn shop could have a BDSM set up in the basement, waiting for you to crash in. So I'll let it slide.

The acting was as you'd expect. Christophe Waltz, I have no idea where you cam from or how I never noticed you before Quentin got you that Oscar, but please keep doing what you're doing. You are so charming, villainous, eloquent and loveable, wrapped in a smile and commanding posture. You make these movies dance!

I was not a fan of Leonardo DiCaprio or Kerry Washington. I found that Leo was too naive and not at all clever or villainous enough for what I was used to. He seemed to be more decoration than anything else, flaunting his southern accent like a scarf in front of your nose and posing for the camera. Kerry was just whiny and screamed way too much. Granted, she was getting punished or threatened a lot of the time, but it just reminded me of the annoying chick from temple of doom that wouldn't shut up either. I was over it quickly.

The final scene was absolute perfection, with everything I love in an action . It tossed in a bit of cowboy flair and the cameo of Tarantino himself was a nice touch. I particularly liked the use of Tarantino's other muse, Samuel L. Jackson as the secondary villain, and Django bringing him down with his own rage and furious anger (teehee!) as the film reached its climax.

Overall, I definitely recommend this movie. It has Tarantino written all over it, eye squishing, guns blazing and all. As always, his films are not for the squeamish, but I'm sure you all knew that. I think I'll watch it a few more times. I need to get the taste of Die Hard out of my mouth anyways. This one is definitely a palate cleanser.


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