Sunday, February 24, 2013

Best Picture nominees: I was SO CLOSE!!

Tonight's the night everyone!!

Tonight the rich and bizarrely famous will airbrush on their best on-camera smiles and walk the carpet to see if they won a statue of a naked dude! ARE YOU EXCITED????

I had tried to watch every one of the Best Picture Nominees, as I try to do every year, and I was able to make it through 7 of the 9 films. Like the rest of the world, work school, and life in general got in the way. I was hoping to have reviewed everything, but I got close (I even had Life of Pi ready to watch on my laptop!), so I guess I can give myself an A for effort.

Lucky for you, I was able to find somewhat of a substitute. Below you will find Pie charts of the two films I was unable to see, Amour and Life of Pi. (please enjoy the puns while you look at the Pi pie chart too!) Have a look, and please note that these were probably made with a bit of tongue in cheek, maybe sarcasm, and most likely bias. That's what's so great about the internet. You never know what you're going to get. (Thanks to, where the charts were found. All of the films for Best Picture Nominee were done, and you can see them here)

Hope you liked my reviews, hope you enjoy the Oscars tonight too. I know I'll be watching with a bottle of wine and junior mints!


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