Sunday, June 21, 2009

fringe and pirates...a (semi) review

so last night I saw another show, Pirate Jenny's Circus. A few of my friends are in it so I was having my life threatened if I didn't see it.

Having friends in it, I heard a lot about the process of developing this show. How things were going slow, how 3 weeks before opening there still wasn't a script, how people were ready to kill each other for many varying and numerous reasons. But they got it done. There was music, dancing, some sword play and action (get your head out of the gutter!) and pretty much every aspect of theatre you could toss into a 55-minute performance.

I enjoyed it, however, I have to admit, ignoring some of the more mature content (jenny prostituting and the occasional murder) I'm not a big fan of children's theatre in Fringe Festivals. Call me a snob, but when I think of Fringe Festivals, I see sexual content, People talking about coming of age, death, murder, and raw emotions that children just can't fully grasp. I found this somewhat of a TYA (theatre for young audiences) show, which was not the mood I was in.

The performances were pretty solid, but listening to the moans and groans of the cast beforehand, It was really obvious (to me) the maturity of the show itself. It still needs a lot of workshopping and developping before it can really show its true potential. I did think they could have eased up on the choreography, though - there were some interesting things in the songs, but much was lost in the twirling and excessive 'interpretive dance' performance.

Definitely a show to bring kids to, if your one of those adults with little ones attached by the teeth to your ankles, but be warned that it's a very new play, and it needs to develop a bit more.

Congrats guys, I have a feeling that the fringe itself is going to develop it well and bring out pirate jenny's true identity. Kepp going and see where this process takes you

Oh and one more thing, you may want to work on the tagline of this show and the synopsis, I thought it was going to be a girl trapped in this mental world of circus' and pirates, not a girl in a circus who dreams about being a pirate. Oh well, my bad i guess.

Until the next show!


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