Friday, May 4, 2012

My drunk... Blog?

So, long time.

What have I been up to, you ask? Oh, not much. Working, moving, writing a play. Y'know. The usual.

Yup. I have written a play. All those drunken adventures myself, my friends and complete strangers have been on have now been compiled into a 60-ish minute play. All your drunken stories of hookups, screwups, mishaps and adventures have been collected by me and put into theatrical form!!

I started this adventure last summer, writing a scene or two while drinking in the park with friends. I wasn't necessarily planning on making anything big, just wanted to kill some time now that my fringe fest show last year had wrapped up. As I was writing, I kind of liked what I was getting on paper. That's surprising, as my writing is usually crap,, or so said every single one of my profs in university.

So I applied to fringe with a barely written play, with hopes of maybe I'll get in and have something to do. November 28 rolled around and I got the email. I got in.

Well crap. Now I have to write a play.

Since then, I've even collecting stories and putting them on paper. Documenting nights out and the scandals that came with the drink.

4 months later, and a play is written. I have a play that makes sense, and might actually be pretty good!

Today I found out my venue, cast my show, and begin the chaos of putting up a show for the fringe. I'll be using my blog as my venting pad for it, as well as keeping you updated to the happenings of the play and how it's progressing (or not, we'll see lol)

So I have a play. It's a drunk play. It's called, 'My Drunk Play'. Let's see how this pans out.


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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