Monday, April 5, 2010

a word to the future...

Ahhhh, life. Ah, student politics.

This year I've had the first official opportunity in a long time to watch student politics to blossom, progress, and simultaneously spontaneously combust. The student association and faculty association members have gone through quite a lot this year. Gong shows, shit shows, and general nonsense. Granted, there have been some amazing things happenas well, but it seems the shit has outweighed the good this time.

As the new execs start rolling in and transitioning themselves, I would like to put out a bit of my own advice. Take it as you will, love it, ignore it, bitch about it (which I'm sure you all will) but at least read it before you go all middle-school on me

  • Politics and relationships are bad.
  • Know your audience. If you have an UBER-kickass party on night, assume that everyone is going to be just as, if not twice as hung over as you are. An event the next day is a poor choice, even if you have *insert pop tween/rocker/etc icon here* in your lineup. Just becasue you build it, doesn't mean they'll come
  • Facebook is shit. Stop basing all your advertising on it.
  • If someone has an opnion, good or bad, take it into consideration. They may be a bitch/asshole 99.9% of the time, and they may say what they are saying in a crass and offensive mannor, but they may also have a point.
  • No, seriously, politics and relationships are BAD!!! You have to know how and when to separate the business and personal, regardless of the level of the relationship. If you can't do that, you shouldn't be in politics. At all.
  • Stop relying on your friends. Politics is a job, it's a business. Social events, political events, ANY events must be dealt with as if you are doing it on your own. Unless they are on the payroll, you can't count on them. In saying that, don't be pissed if friends don't show up to events you have prepared. It may be your job, but it certainly isn't theirs. They have their own lives and own stuff to take care of.
  • A JOB IS A JOB IS A JOB!!!! Just because it has to do with school and there occasionally is music and drinking and delightful chaos everywhere, doesn't mean you can fuck off and get stupid. You're getting paid, you're responsible. Take the responsibility.
  • Be strong, be confident, get over your egos. Seriously.
  • Old ideas are good, but new ideas are and can be better. Even Adding new twists to old ideas can make things great. Don't put all your hope into an old idea. People get bored way too quick these days anyways.
  • Know your rights!!!!! Know the rules of which you work under, know what you can and what you cannot do. But better yet, know the loopholes so you can still get away with shit.
  • NO RELATION... okay, i think you understand that one now. But seriously, business before pleasure. In every aspect of the phrase.
  • People are going to tear you down. Stand your ground. They are going to fight you. Your best bet is to listen, take the information and move on. Ignoring it and shutting it down makes you look close-minded and an overall asshole.
  • Listen. Work. Fight. Play. Have fun. know your limits.

Thats my two cents.
...Okay, that may ba a full quarter. But take it and learn.

Onward and upward. I hope.


p.s. anyone who gets angry about this post. just click here

1 comment:

  1. Just found your blog and I am loving it. <3's girl. I love this post.
