I've been dreaming of the most random things, and some of the most random occurrences to come out of my head. Since they are so random, and, well downright entertaining to those I tell it to, I'm going to share it on here.
These won't be large posts, just a summation of the dream I had the night before for you all to enjoy. I'm going to post a few past dreams I've had within the past few months today, just to get you all caught up and to explain why I had this idea to do this in the first place.
Dream #1
It's a Michael Cera movie. Seriously. I'm his semi-popular girlfriend who is unhappy in the relationship, dating the nerdy Michael Cera, but we have our 'first time together anyways. Finally fed up (and not shortly after the awkward Michael Cera sex) I break up with him.
His geeky female BFF is heartbroken (obviously secretly in love with him) and makes plan with the hesitant MC to pull pranks on me and make my life a living hell for shattering his innocent, naive heart.
It gets fuzzy around here, but I know that hilarity ensues, Judd Apatow-style, and at one point, in my own frustrations with everyone, I see one of the slightly more popular girls is snapping her fingers at me to get my attention at a lunch table. Instead of walking up to her and talk to her, i walk past her. As i pass her seat, i grab her face with my hand and face-palm her backwards out of her chair onto the cafeteria floor.
It was awesome (movie idea now in the works...you steal my shit and I'll take you down!)
Dream #2
I was in a random elementary school in Montreal where I was doing a conference of some kind with schoolmates (Ashley, Danielle, MaHo and Dario were there, from what I saw...for those that know those people, haha) I walk into one room and this guy asks me if I want to finally get my tattoo. I say yes and he starts working on it. But he puts the tattoo I want on my forearm with a (I think) Pirate ship on the upper arm.
As I am getting the tattoo done, I look outside and there is a big unmarked van, and it's raining.
Black ink. Black ink is melting from the sky. I am unphased. I have the tattoo finished, and I go to find people to show it to. I see MaHo and I'm excited to show it to her, but she is nervous that I won't like it. Simultaneously, Dario and Ash are about to brawl, and Danielle is cheering from the sidelines. I only knwo it's them because i see Ash's threadless tshirt, and you can point out Dario's hipster-non-chalent saunter a mile away. Danielle just waved to me.
Then I realize. I haven't even looked at the tattoo yet. As I go to look down at it, I wake up .
Dream #3
This one was all over the place. There were mini stories happening everywhere, but the main part that I remember was my friends mum (and my second mum, pretty much) was scoldeing me about the quesadilla tattoo I wanted to get on my ribcage.
I don't even like Quesadillas.
Dream #4
This one Happened last night.
It starts in some mall with two people chatting, but basically I am being hunted down by Batman. But I am actually Batman. Darth Vader has stolen my costume and is chasing after me in MY Batman costume. At one point, i have to jump off a moving train and hide behind garbage cans to avoid being shot.
Then I go to hide at work and put on my uniform, but my uniform is a beer wench costume. It still has my work logo on it, but it's definitely a beer wench outfit.
I'll try to continue these as they happen. My dreams are fucked up.
the idea of an ashley/dario brawl is awesome. you are just dreaming of things to come.