I haven't done a rant in a while, but I've seen a few things through social media that have really pissed me off, so here comes a good old fashioned rant from yours truly.
I've had my time in school. I've spent 5 years completing my undergrad, and I'm currently working on my postgrad. Throughout this entire period, and even the space in between, I have held down at least one job consistently, working in retail or serving food and bevvys at the local watering hole. I have been able to pay my bills, feed myself, clothe myself, keep a roof over my head, and have a bit of fun on the side. I've had my parents support when things got rough, but overall, I have taken care and supported myself for close to 9 years.
Throughout this time, I have also been on the hunt for that "real" job. That job that supports me, pays my bills, allows me to live comfortably, and I can be proud of... Hang on. My job does that! I'm proud of where I work, and I'm proud of what I do. Granted, it's not what society accepts as a "real" job, but it does what I need it to do. It doesn't have optimal hours, I usually have no defined weekend, but it keeps me fed, clothed, and under a roof of my own. I'm happy with the work I've done, and I'm happy to be working with the people I'm around all day or night.
So, I have to ask, why is my job less than yours? I've had people talk down to me, do the "sympathy head-tilt" when I bring up my line of work. I get the 'So, this is just temporary, right?' or the "So what do you really want to do with your life" line. I will agree that, no, I don't want to be slinging beers for the rest of my life. I'm back in school for a reason and I plan on moving on to a different career path, perhaps one that is more secure, more stable, and hopefully more challenging (After 10 years in the hospitality industry, it's just second nature). But I don't understand how my job makes me less of a person than you.
I've seen and heard people put down people with jobs at McDonalds, the guy holding the Zellers sign, the bus drivers and the parking ticket officers. I'll admit, I've done it too, But these are still people that have jobs. They are still putting themselves out there to find work and keep that roof over their head. That being said, all of the jobs I mentioned above, tips aside, make nearly double the amount I make an hour! Just because they don't have an office or a desk, an expense account or a 5 or 6 figure salary, that does not make them pathetic, or lazy, or something to be mocked or looked down upon. They are working hard. They may not have had the same opportunities as others, but they still get the rent in on time.
If you have a job, I respect you. If you don't, but you're trying, and are of able mind and/or body, I respect you. Everyone deserves that respect. You are no less of a person because of the title on your business card or the label on your name tag.
One day I would like to have a more stable job. A job that pays more, offers more challenges, maybe has more opportunities, and offers me some kind of comfortable retirement. Until then, I'm Jane the bartender. Im fucking proud of my job. I'm fucking proud of your job too. And If I hear anyone talk down about anyones profession, I will politely correct you. If you continue to be an ass, well then, I'll just have to smack some sense into you. Open fist and all.
Rant ended.
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