Tuesday, January 31, 2012

New Year, New Post, New Rant.

Ah 2012. welcome to a fresh start!

This year has started with some ups and downs, dealing with the never ending job hunt and the terribly consistent rejection letters and calls, along with the colds and flus that come with cold weather and warm scarves and toques.

This year I'm going to work on a bit o positivity. Towards the end of 2011, I felt like a bit of a downer (and let's be honest, I was) about the world around me and the not-so-fun circumstances that arose in the closing months of the year. Shit hit the fan, negative upon negative seemed to keep stacking and it weighed me down. But I ended the year on a high note with family on a nice vacation and I came back with determination to start fresh and keep trying. I applied for school again, I'm excited about a new theatre project I'll be working on, and I'm looking to the future. Even in this new year, I have already had setbacks, with a potential job falling through, and pretty rough bouts of illness (yea, I was a baby about it) but this is a work in progress and I will keep looking to the future, the good stuff!!

Although I must be clear about this new positive outlook: Just because I'm going to be more positive, doesn't mean I'm not going to vent about the negative out there. Seriously, some of you do some really dumb shit, and I'm going to let you know about it.

If I don't vent this shit out I'm going to explode. I need my balance to keep positive, this is how I'll find it.


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