Thanksgiving has passed.
My friends and I had a potluck of epic proportions. And I mean EPIC!!
Turkey, stuffing, potatoes (2 kinds) squash, sweet potato pie, brie and apple thing, macaroni ranch deliciousness, italian pasta thingy (made by and authentic italian guy!) sweet carrots, roasted peppers stuffed with rice, ceasar salad, pumpkin pie, cheesecake and squares, and SO MUCH MORE!
I don't have to cook for a week, thank you leftovers!
that was good.
I lost my iphone and one of the family cats was killed by a hit and run.
that was bad.
I also just shrunk my new and faourite sweater. I'm hoping that completes the trilogy of suck. that along with little things that have been going on, I'm about to snap. But, luckily, friends, food, wii, dancing and wayyyy too much PBR helped.
Thanks everyone that came. It was amazing and you are all wonderful.
p.s. yea, I was supposed to talk about costa rica. It was amazing. there.
Oh Fucktober. Are you over yet?